A true emblematic city located at the entrance to Asia, Hong Kong is distinguished by its multi-faceted image, combining modernity and traditions. Attracting many visitors every year, its cultural diversity, its gastronomic specialties, its cultural richness, and above all a majority of the population who speak English, make this city a destination apart in a vast Asian world.

Opt for Hong Kong for a new trip

Travelling to Hong Kong means discovering a city where modernity and originality are harmoniously combined together. The great futuristic towers anchored by modernity with a breathtaking height shelter the population and their various activities. With its 1200 skyscrapers, Hong Kong has the largest number of skyscrapers in the world. You can go to Ferry Peak to admire this extraordinary panorama. The mosaic of districts that make up the city expresses its particularity and the warm and friendly atmosphere that reigns there. The Bank of China Tower, a true symbol of the city, cannot be missed during your visit. Don't forget to discover the world's longest escalator located in the residential area on the slopes of Peak Victoria. And for a touch of sweet, fragrant and enchanting sweetness, visit the bird markets and herbalists to buy a few travel souvenirs.

An unparalleled cultural discovery

For art lovers, Hong Kong is a leading destination with its many museums scattered throughout the city. You will not miss the choice: history museum, racing museum where is exposed the famous story of hair racing during the British colonization, the space museum, etc. This piece of land, which has belonged to China since 1999, has its own particular identity. Several languages are spoken there, whether in the subways or on the various signs: English, Mandarin, Cantonese. English has a large place in the various public squares, and the presence of this western language easily facilitates the various tourist, commercial and all types of exchanges in the city. Take public transport to blend in with the landscape and experience local life. By taking the Tung Chung subway, you can easily reach the Ngong Ping site for a visit to the giant Buddha of Tian Tan with the challenge of climbing the 268 steps of the Buddha and a surprising view as a bonus. A detour to the fishing village of Tai O is recommended to admire the structures of this village which stands only on stilts. A visit to the village reveals the life of its inhabitants, who are mostly fishermen and traditional vendors, sitting on the edge of the long main street.

A few precautions to leave in complete serenity

To travel to Hong Kong safely, however, some precautions should be taken even though Hong Kong has a low crime rate. You should carry current and valid identification, such as a passport as a tourist. This is a precaution you should never neglect for any trip. Hong Kong is densely populated, and it is not advisable to carry too much cash with you. The majority of shops accept credit card payments. If you have plenty of cash, it is best to leave it in the hotel safe for added security. In case of problems, be aware that the streets of the city are equipped with police officers, whom you can call if you have a problem. However, it is important to know that if you take a taxi, the majority of payments are made in cash, with an on-demand bill if necessary. Prefer taxi stop zones for greater safety. Accustomed to serving tourists, and fluent in English, the drivers will take you to your desired destination without any problem. Don't hesitate to mime or make a small drawing if you have difficulty being understood. As a precaution, take note of the taxi's license plate as well as the name of the driver, clearly indicated on the front seat, in case of a problem.

The best time to travel

The climate is a determining factor in making sure you enjoy your stay safely. Whether you are visiting Hong Kong for sightseeing, business or other purposes, November and December are particularly pleasant for traveling to Hong Kong. Sunshine and coolness are the order of the day for sightseeing or shopping. In January and February, rain and coolness are present, but this is not enough to dissuade art and culture lovers from coming here for the Chinese New Year. To enjoy the sea, and swimming with mountains around, the best months to go there are May, June, July, August, September and October. But if you can't go out in the rain, avoid the months of June, July, August and September, which are the rainiest in Hong Kong.