Certainly Asia is the largest and most populated continent. However, Asian culture is even more popular than its demography thanks to all the traditions of the countries that are grouped there. Moreover, the various customs of many countries are still spread out in Hong Kong.

Asian culture in general

Asia is the great temple complexes, a Buddha at rest, but also the Great Wall of China and the Taj Mahal. It is the world of great religions, Asian cuisine full of exotic spices and the extreme architecture of the Chinese. In Asia, everyone can find their way back to spirituality and inner peace. Asia could not be more different and always has the right program for everyone. In addition to being the largest continent in the world, Asia is also the most populated. With this expanse of land, it offers a multitude of climatic zones that are perfect for a travel destination. Speaking of nature, it is unique and special not to mention endless rice paddies, the Himalayas, giant pandas, volcanoes and the Gobi Desert. On the question of culture, they go from Master Buddha to the fastest builders in the world without mentioning the high technology and the unique and extraordinary architecture. There is no lack of experience with Chinese architecture, the shopping streets of Singapore, Asian culture in Hong Kong and the diversity of cuisine. Why is Hong Kong so special among the many countries on the mainland? Asian culture is special and unique because it is full of different customs and traditions of ethnic groups around the world. Hong Kong is considered to be the cradle of Asian culture because many cultures, customs and traditions are still present there. Asian cultures in Hong Kong are represented by culture and heritage, Chinese temples, Chinese festivals, modern architecture, museums, historical sites, living culture and other places of worship.

What are the special features of the city of Hong Kong?

The heritage sites of the Chinese clan and European colonial history side by side form the Taoist temples and buildings. Hong Kong's temples are hidden in lush hills and wedged between shiny skyscrapers. But they are also lively places of worship and the centre of the city's festivals. Places of worship for migrants from all over the world illuminate Hong Kong's unique history and its melting pot of cultures created by their diverse beliefs. Traditional festivals in Hong Kong are celebrated in an extraordinary way with glowing lanterns, populated temples, dancing lions, flaming dragons and puddles of smoke from incense sticks. Hong Kong's museums are abundant, varied and very entertaining with a wide range of subjects. Today, there are more than 7,600 skyscrapers and other iconic buildings in Asia's world city, making Hong Kong a living showcase of the best in international contemporary architecture. Hong Kong lives the duality of a modern city, which is enriched by the abundance of an ancient society so as not to forget the ancient rituals and proven wisdom of the East. The story of Hong Kong's journey is told through the burial chambers of the East Han dynasty, elegant Victorian architecture and relics of the Second World War.

Hong Kong, a city like no other

Having many diverse cultures, beliefs, backgrounds and traditions, Asian culture in Hong Kong is at its peak. Shiny facades, an explosion of construction and rapid economic growth: for many, Hong Kong is the best of wealth, glamour and globalisation. But the city is also a cultural and religious melting pot and has many nature reserves. It is more than just a city, it is a green oasis between satellite cities. But it is also the highest and largest economy. The roots are Chinese but it is a two-system country due to lack of space. Since the country is on mountainous terrain, not all areas are suitable for housing. So high buildings are built in order to be able to provide this huge amount of people with enough living space. Today Hong Kong has become one of the largest financial centres in the world. Low taxes and customs duties as well as the excellent infrastructure keep trade and finance flourishing. It is true that Hong Kong has been governed by the British, who have left little cultural substance. However, the roots of most Hong Kong residents are Chinese. As a result, their culture and traditions live on everywhere in spite of everything. Traditional Chinese medicine dominates in health care, Chinese theatre and Chinese opera dominate in culture. All daily life is oriented towards the correct interpretation of the Chinese zodiac signs and the philosophy of Chinese number.